The Watson Ticketing module provides traffic, parking, ordinance, and tow ticket formats to make ticket writing simple. Powerful driver and vehicle search tools combine local, state, and federal queries for easy report population. Other enhanced features such as map integration, digital signature capture, voice recording, picture capturing, and Bluetooth printing make ticketing simple and efficient, separating it from other products.

Key Features include:
- State and local DMV lookups
- Automated NCIC, state, and local warrant searches
- Vehicle and driver history (prior tickets/arrests)
- Ticket field population from DMV queries
- Ticket history with query results
- Ticket population from an Incident or Crash report
- Street name pre-population using GIS/GPS
- Off-line ticket entry/validation
- Automated court costs per ticket type
- Server-managed court-dates and closures
- Ticket count tracking and court session limits
- Photo capture
- Digital signature capture
- Voice notes recording
- Zero-configuration Bluetooth printing
Quick Links
Watson RMS Overview Incident Reporting Crash Reporting Ticketing Mobile CAD Evidence Reporting Watson Cloud
Watson Ticketing software for law enforcement offers several interface options to import tickets and export data to court systems. Current interfaces include
- Standard XML export
- Customized export to other systems including
- CentralSquare™
- M&M Microsystems™
- LocalGov™
- Omnicourt™
- Tyler™
- Import tickets from camera ticketing systems
- Monthly PDF reports for state submission