The Watson RMS suite includes powerful browser applications for report viewing, supervisor review, and security administration, making the typical difficult process of using field reporting software easy.
Report Review
Watson Reporting offers role-based access for department supervisors, jail intake operators, field officers, and court personnel to search for reports, print PDFs, write affidavits, approve reports, etc..
Watson Reporting provides many different views, each uniquely applied to the role of particular users. Views such as Jail Intake, Reports Pending Review, Tickets Only, etc. are available based on the user's role. Functionality is also limited by the rights and role of the user. For instance, a user with supervisor rights can disapprove or approve reports submitted from the field and make minor changes before a report is exported from the Watson RMS software to its respective records management system.
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Overview Incident Reporting Crash Reporting Ticketing Mobile CAD Evidence Reporting Watson Cloud Web Applications Import/Export
Reports may be filtered using multiple criteria to create custom reports including: court dockets, state exports, and redacted views for public distribution. Each individual report detail page provides a history of revisions from initial submission to export (or final report status). In addition, crash investigators can manage their assigned cases, adding supplemental documents/files as needed. Supervisors and officers who have a CJIS certification can also view the DMV photos and text results from any inquiry made within the context of the field report.
Watson Admin allows administrators to manage Watson RMS, including accounts of users, authorized devices, system defaults, court dates, court closings, and other supporting data. Changes made by the administrator are immediately replicated on the client devices without the need for user interaction or application updates. Administrators can also review the police officers' use of each module, including an audit of DMV/NCIC inquiries.